Southern New Hampshire University

Using Adjusted Final Grade

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Access your course in Brightspace
Access the Grade settings

Select Course Admin from the main navigational bar.

Brightspace Navigation bar with Course Admin highlighted

Select Grades from the list on tools on the Course Admin page.

Grades button on the Course Admin page

Once on the Grades screen, select SETTINGS from the right hand side of the window.

settings button on the right hand side on the grades screen
Select Adjusted Final Grade

Scroll to the bottom of the screen of the Calculation Options window, to the Final Grade Released section.

Select Adjusted Final Grade.

Adjusted final grade button in the calculations options

Then select the SAVE button on the bottom of the screen.  Once it is saved, then select the CLOSE button.

Save button at the bottom of the screen
Release the Adjusted Final Grade

Select Enter Grades under the main nav bar.

The main Navigation bar with Enter Grades highlighted

On the Enter Grades page, scroll all the way to the right until you can see the Final Adjusted Grade Column.

Select the chevron, or drop-down arrow, to the right of the title.


Final Adjusted Grade drop down menu with Grade All highlighted
  1. Type in the adjusted grade for a student ,
  2. Add feedback explaining why the grade was adjusted
  3. Select the square in the Released column.


Final Adjusted Grade menu

Select the SAVE AND CLOSE button at the bottom of your screen.

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