Southern New Hampshire University

Creating a Quiz with multiple videos

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Finished Product

These steps will create a quiz that has multiple videos and multiple questions. Specifically, each question will have one video and a corresponding question as illustrated below.

A quiz in progress with videos

Open Quizzes Tool

  1. From inside your course in Brightspace, select COURSE ADMIN then QUIZZES
  2. Select NEW QUIZ

Quiz Properties

  1. Complete the NAME field with the title of the Quiz

Add Quiz Questions

Select the ADD/EDIT QUESTIONS button

Add/Edit Questions button

Select the NEW button

NEW button

From the drop-down menu select the type of question you want use.


Written Response  (WR) allows students to write a multi-paragraph paper.

Short Answer (SA) allows students to write a sentence or two.

Select the middle of the Question Text square until the tool bar appears.

The blank Question Text square

Select the Insert Stuff icon

Insert Stuff icon highlighted

From the Insert Stuff menu, select the option of where your video lives:

your computer or YouTube are very common choices.

Insert Stuff menu with My Computer and YouTube buttons highlighted

Remember to use a video that is captioned. If you have questions about captioning please email [email protected].

If you are using a video from YouTube, you will then be prompted to search for the video. Type your videos title in the search field and select the SEARCH button.

The Insert Stuff YouTube search page

You will have vetted the video so now you just select the video you want and select the NEXT button at the bottom of the page.

Select INSERT.

Insert button highlighted

Now the video is loaded as part of the question text. You will need to type in the question you want students to answer under the video.

On the right-side of the screen, you can see a preview of how the question will appear to students.

The Preview of the quesion's final appearance

Select Enable HTML Editor for student responses if you want students to be able to include images, tables, formatting, etc or you can leave it as text only.

Enable HTML Editor for student responses button highlighted

Under Points, select the number of points the question will be worth.

Points text box highlighted

Select the SAVE button when you are done creating this question.

Select the SAVE and NEW option if you want to start creating the next question.

Finish creating quiz

Now that you have created all your questions, you need to complete the rest of the quiz creation. Select DONE EDITING QUESTIONS

Done Editing Questions button highlighted

Some fields to complete:

  1. Questions per page- to display all the questions at once leave this blank. To display one question per page type in '1' and select on apply.
  2. Paging: Select the box if you want to prevent students from looking back at questions they have already answered.
  3. Shuffle: Select this box if you want the questions to be in a different order for each student.
Quiz Questions editting menu

Restrictions Tab

Select the RESTRICTIONS tab to complete the due date and availability settings and timing option.

Restrictions tab highlighted

Assessment Tab

Select the ASSESSMENT tab to tie to a grade item, select the number of attempts and chose the computer to auto-grade.

Computer can only reliably grade multiple choice questions.

Even if you are manually grading the questions select Allow automatic export to grades if you want the grades and feedback to be visible to students as soon as you have finished grading each quiz.

Save and Close

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