Southern New Hampshire University

How Students Can View Quiz Answers and Feedback

Updated on

These instructions only work if your instructor has created a 'Submission View' for a quiz.

Access course in Brightspace


The quiz button from the drop-down menu from course menu.

Select the chevron (down-arrow) to the right of the title of the quiz. Then select submissions.

The quiz list and the submissions from the drop-down menu.

Select the attempt you want to review

The button to look at the attempt number one.

You will now possibly see the questions, your answers, and the correct answers for each question IF THAT IS HOW THE SUBMISSION VIEW FOR THIS QUIZ WAS DESIGNED.

Under each question, you will see 'View Feedback' , if your instructor has written feedback for that question. Select to see any feedback.

Select the DONE button to exit viewing the questions on the quiz, etc.
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