Southern New Hampshire University

Ungraded items zero/ignore

Updated on

Go to GRADES in your Brightspace course

Course administration options.

Change the SETTINGS

Select the SETTINGS cog on the top, right side of your screen

Settings button.

Select the third tab CALCULATION OPTIONS

The options for the calculations.

Scroll down to Grade Calculations and select one of the following options:

1. Drop ungraded items : if you want Brightspace to ignore any grade item without a grade. FOr example, if all your tasks for the whole term are entered into Brightscape GRADES but students have only completed part of them, then you select this option to ignore the grade items taht are associated with tasks to be graded later in the term.


2. Treat ungraded items as 0: Use this if you want every blank space for every student in the Grades tool to have a zero in it.

Best practices: Use Drop ungraded items option and manually input zero for students who did not complete the assignment.

The grading options.

Select SAVE

The save button.

Select YES when prompted

The confirmation button to save.

Select CLOSE to leave the Grade Settings option screen

The close button.
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