Southern New Hampshire University

Get Started With Qualtrics

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How to access Qualtrics?

Step 1: Go to and log into Qualtrics using your SNHU credentials.

SNHU Qualtrics login screen with the Username and Password text boxes highlighted

Create a Survey

Step 2: The first time you log into Qualtrics you will be prompted to agree to the Qualtrics Terms of Services.

Step 3: After that, you will see this screen. To begin, click the blue box "Create new project" in the bottom left corner of the screen.

The Qualtrics homepage with the "Create a new project" button highlighted

Step 4: Click on Survey on the Catalog page that pops up.

The Qualtrics "Catalog" page opened, with the "Projects from scratch" section highlighted

Step 5: Then select the Get Started button on the menu that appears on the right.

Project menu opened, with the "Get Started" button highlighted

Step 6: Give your survey a name and then decide how you would like your survey to be formatted. Select "Create Project" after choosing your options.

The "Create a new project" screen, with the "Create Project" button highlighted


You can sort your projects in folders, so you can find them much easier.

To do this, go to the "Projects" tab found by going to the top left and selecting the menu and then selecting "Projects" from the drop-down.

The projects list with a folder highlighted in the "Your Folders" section

Starring Projects

You can star projects to mark them as important. This is also found in the "Projects" tab.

The "Projects" section, with the star icon next to a project highlighted

Question Types

The question types are at the left of the survey creation screen, near the top and the first one on the list.

The edit project screen, with the "Edit question" section open and the "question type" drop down menu highlighted

Selecting the box will open a drop down menu of all the different question types that you can apply to surveys.

The "edit question" section

For now, we will only go over the first three: Multiple Choice, Text Entry, and Text / Graphic

Multiple Choice looks like this:

A multiple choice question with the title "question" and the answers "answer 1" "answer 2" and "answer 3"

To add the question or edit, click into the text boxes marked Question or answers

Text Entry looks like this:

A text entry question, with the title "question"

This questions allows you to give the participant freedom in answering. To add the question or edit, click into the text boxes marked Question.

A multiple choice question, with the title selected and the editor for the title's text open

Text / Graphic use this question for creating the introduction paragraph for the survey, adding a graphic or an image. To do this, you go to the menu on the left.  Here is an example of adding a graphic:

A text/graphic question with the title "welcome" and an image attached

You can view the "Edit Question" section on the left side of the page

The "edit question" section

Go to Content Type and select the drop down menu to either edit Text, add a graphic, or to add a file.

The "edit question" section with the "content type" drop down opened and highlighted

Adding Requirements

To ensure a survey recipient completes the survey, go to Response Requirements.

The "edit question" section with the "response requirements" section highlighted

Then turn on Add Requirements and make sure Force Response is selected.

The "response requirements" section highlighted, with the "force response" radial button selected

Saving Your Project

Any changes to your survey require it to be published. To test the survey for user experience, click preview.

The project view with the "publish" button highlighted and an arrow pointed at the "preview" button
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Next Article Creating Different Question Types in Qualtrics