Southern New Hampshire University

Creating An Assignment

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How to Locate Assignments:

1. To locate your posted assignments, put the cursor over "Course Menu" and hit the left mouse button.

2. A drop down menu should appear. Click on Assignments.

3. To create a new assignment, click "New Assignment".  Continue to Step 4.

If the assignment already exists, click the arrow beside the title of the assignment. A drop down menu will appear.

Move the cursor to "Edit Assignment".  Make any edits needed to the previously created assignment.

4. Enter a name for the new assignment or rename an existing one.

5. Enter the number of points under "Grade Out Of".  

6. To create a new grade column for the assignment or link to an existing grade column, click the "In Grade Book" drop down arrow.  Select "Edit or Link to Existing".   To create a new grade column in the gradebook for the assignment, select "Create and link to a new grade item".  To link the assignment to an existing grade column, select "Link to an existing grade item" and select the grade column.

7.  If you do not wish to have a grade column created in the gradebook for the new assignment, select "Not in gradebook" from the "In Gradebook" drop down arrow. To remove a grade item from the gradebook for an existing assignment, select "Not in Grade Book".

8. To create or change the due date of the assignments, move the cursor over the "M/D/YYYY" hit the left mouse button and type in the date or select the date on a the calendar.

9. In "Instructions" you can describe what it is you expect from the assignment.  

10. Below the "Instructions" box, there is three icons. A paper, mic and camera icon.

  • Cloud with an arrow icon allows you to attach a file for the students to refer to.
  • Lightning bolt icon allows you to link to other activities.
  • Chain icon allows you to attach web-links.
  • Cloud icon allows you to attach files from one-cloud.
  • Mic icon allows you to record an audio or attach an audio to the assignment.
  • Camera icon allows you to record or attach a video to the assignment.

Availability Dates & Conditions

In Availability Dates & Conditions you are able to edit when the assignment is open for the students, due dates of assignments, release conditions and special access.

1. The left hand side move your cursor over the arrow by "Availability Dates & Conditions" and hit the left mouse button.

2. Options for a start and end date should appear below "Availability Dates & Conditions". If you enter a Start Date, students will see the assignment but will not be able to submit until the Start Date.  If you enter an End Date, when the end date is reached, students will no longer be able to see the assignment link.

3. Under "Release Conditions", you can create a special condition that allows the student to access the assignment.

4. Under "Special Access" you can give selected students special access to assignments. Move the cursor to "Manage Special Access" and hit the left mouse button.

5. A new window should appear giving you options whether you want to change the students availability dates or give the student access to see the assignment.

6. Another window titled "Special Access" should appear, move your cursor over the "Add Users to Special Access" and hit the left mouse button to select the students and edit their access.

Submission & Completion

1. Below "Availability Dates & Conditions" there is "Submission & Completion".


Submission Type: You can specify if the submission is a File , Text, In-person observation, or On paper.

Files Allowed Per Submission: Either unlimited submissions or one submissions.

Allowable File Extensions: This restricts the submission file type to your choice either PDF only, Annotable Files, Files that can be previewed with no conversion, Image and Videos or Custom File Types.

Submissions: This specifies which submission is kept either all submissions, Only one submission allowed, or Only the most recent submission is kept.

Notification Email: Entering emails separated by commas will send each email listed a notification regarding the submission.

Evaluation & Feedback

1. Below "Submission & Completion" tab is "Evaluation & Feedback". Move the cursor over the "Evaluation & Feedback" tab and hit the left button on the mouse.

2. The "Evaluation & Feedback" tab should drop down more options.

3. Rubric: You can attach a rubric for the specific assignment by moving the cursor to "Add rubric". You're given the option to create a new rubric or apply one made previously.

4. Learning Objectives: If you have learning objectives embedded to your course, you can attach alearning objective by moving your cursor over "Manage Learning Objectives" and hitting the left mouse button.  

5. Annotation Tools: If you would like to enable the students in the course to see annotations on submission you have the option to do so by moving the cursor over the selection box and hitting the left mouse button to either check or uncheck this option.

6. Anonymous Marking: if you would like to have your grading be anonymous so you don't know the specific student submission you are grading, move your cursor to the box to the right of "Hide student names during assessment" and hit the left mouse button to select or deselect this option.

7. Turnitin: If you would like to integrate Turnitin for this specific assignment, move your mouse to where it says "Manage Turnitin" and hit the left button on your mouse. A new window should appear.

8. Once you see the window below, move your cursor the box by "Enable GradeMark for this folder"

9. You should now have the option to either automatically sync the grades or manually sync the grades, both as drafts in Brightspace. You also have the option to enable Originality Check for the specific folder.

10. If you were to enable Originality Check and scroll down in the window, you can give students access to their similarity scores and choose either Automatic originality checking on all submissions or Identify individual submissions for originality checking.

11.  When finished with all the assignment settings, click SAVE and CLOSE.  The assignment is now ready to accept submissions.

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