Southern New Hampshire University

How to Create a Quiz in Brightspace

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Brightspace is a powerful, user-friendly learning management system (LMS) designed to enhance educational experiences for students, educators, and institutions. Developed by D2L, it offers robust tools for creating and managing courses, engaging learners, and tracking progress. With features like multimedia content integration, mobile accessibility, and advanced analytics, Brightspace supports personalized learning and fosters collaboration in both traditional and online education environments.

1. From inside your course, select COURSE MENU from your course navigation bar.

Screenshot of Brightspace navigation bar - Course Menu highlighted.

2. Select QUIZZES from the drop-down menu.  

Drop down options of the Course Menu with "Quizzes" highlighted.

3. Select NEW QUIZ from the quizzes page.

Screen shot of Managing quizzes - New Quiz button highlighted.

4. Add the NAME of the quiz.

Textbox to enter quizzes name.

5. Select the NOT IN GRADE BOOK drop-down.

1. Choose to link the quiz to the grade book or have it outside of the grade book.

2. Select the info button if there are questions about this option.

Manage quizzes screen with "Not in Grade Book" highlighted and labeled as "1" and the question mark button highlighted and labeled as "2".

6. Add the value of the quiz to the GRADE POINTS by entering the number of points wanted for the quiz if it is linked to the grade book.

Grade out of portion shown with the number of points inputted.

7. Add a DESCRIPTION of the quiz if necessary.

Description of quiz text box.

Changing Quiz Settings

8. To set AVAILABILITY DATES & CONDITIONS, select the drop-down arrow on the right of the screen.  This allows you to set different permissions and access for the quiz.

1. You can add the START DATE and END DATE of the quiz.


3. You can give SPECIAL ACCESS to certain groups of people.

4. You can also add a PASSWORD for the quiz if necessary.

Availability Dates and Conditions portion of quiz creation shown with the drop-down arrow highlighted.
In-depth options for Availability Dates and Conditions are shown with each option numbered 1 through 4.

9. To set TIMING AND DISPLAY CONDITIONS, select the drop-down arrow on the right of the screen. These settings allow you to set time limits and how questions are shown.

1. You can add a TIME LIMIT for the quiz by selecting MANAGE TIMING and inputting the amount of time you want to be allowed.

2. You can edit the number of questions on a page by selecting the PAGING drop-down.

3. You can select SHUFFLE QUIZ to allow the questions you created to show up in a different order.

4. The DISPLAY sections are where you can select HINTS and DISABLE NOTIFICATIONS during the quiz.

5. HEADER AND FOOTER allow you to add text above and below the quiz.

The Timing and Display portion of the quiz creation is shown with the drop-down arrow highlighted.
In-depth menu for Timing and Display is shown with each option being numbered 1 through 5, and specific settings highlighed.

10. To set the number of ATTEMPTS and edit the COMPLETION settings, select the drop-down menu on the right of the screen.

1. You can add the number of ATTEMPTS allowed by selecting MANAGE ATTEMPTS and selecting the number from the drop-down menu.

2. You can also choose to get a NOTIFICATION EMAIL when a student has attempted the quiz.

Attempts and Completion portion of quiz creation shown with the drop-down arrow highlighted.
In-depth Attempts and Completion options are shown with each option numbered 1 and 2.

11. To set the EVALUATION AND FEEDBACK settings, select the drop-down menu on the left of the screen.

1. Select the box "Auto-publish attempt results immediately on completion" if you would like the auto-graded score to be displayed to the student.

2. Select the box "Synchronize to grade book on publish" if you want the grade to show up in the grade book.

Note: You must have the quiz attached to the grade book for this setting to work.

3. You can select the box "Attempt grade" if you want the student to see their grade right away. The drop-down box allows you to select how much you want the student to see upon completion of the quiz.

5. You can change the view of how the results are shown to the student by selecting CUSTOMIZE QUIZ RESULTS DISPLAY.

6. You can also add your learning objectives by selecting MANAGE LEARNING OBJECTIVES.

Evaluation and Feedback portion of the quiz creation is shown with the drop-down arrow highlighted.
In-depth view of Evaulation and Feedback options are shown with each option being number 1 through 5 and specific settings highlighted.

Making Quiz Questions

12. To add QUESTIONS, you can select between two choices.

1. You can select ADD EXISTING and either choose to upload a file or browse the question library.

2. You can select CREATE NEW and NEW QUESTION and choose between the different question types available.

Screenshot of Questions page with options shown.
The "Add Exisiting" button is highlighted from the Questions page.
The "Create New" button is highlighted from the Questions page.

13. You can also create a new section and question pool under the CREATE NEW button.  

1. Select the SECTION button to bring up the screen to edit sections. This screen allows you to create sections for the quiz questions.

2. Select the QUESTION POOL button to bring up the screen to edit the question pool. This screen allows you to choose the quiz to select a set number of questions from a larger question pool.

Screenshot of "Create New" option with "Section" and "Question Pool" options highlighted.
Screenshot of New Section screen.
Screenshot of New Question Pool Screen

14. Once you have added your questions and edited your quiz settings, select SAVE AND CLOSE at the bottom left of your screen.

Screenshot of Questions screen with the "Save and Close" button highlighted.
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