Southern New Hampshire University

Build a Quiz Using the Question Library in Brightspace

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Brightspace is a powerful, user-friendly learning management system (LMS) designed to enhance educational experiences for students, educators, and institutions. Developed by D2L, it offers robust tools for creating and managing courses, engaging learners, and tracking progress. With features like multimedia content integration, mobile accessibility, and advanced analytics, Brightspace supports personalized learning and fosters collaboration in both traditional and online education environments.

What is the Question Library?

The question library is where the instructor can organize quiz questions from previous and future quizzes. It gives the instructor the functionality to create sections for their quiz questions, import quiz questions, and move them into sections all in one place.

Accessing the Question Library

1. From inside your course, select COURSE MENU from the course navigation bar.

Screenshot of Brightspace homepage top menu, highlighting the course menu dropdown.

2. Select QUIZZES from the drop-down menu.

Screenshot of the drop-down course menu, highlighting quizzes.

3. Select QUESTION LIBRARY from the quizzes page.

Screenshot showing the quizzes page in Brightspace with the question library button highlighted.

Creating Sections in the Question Library

1. Once you are at the question library page, select NEW and then select SECTION to create a new section.

Screenshot of the question library page. The new button was selected and highlighted to show the drop-down menu and the section option within the drop-down is highlighted.
  1. Name your section.
  2. You can choose to select the box below the title to ensure that your students aren't able to see where you are pulling questions from.
  3. Section text is optional. This is where you can add a description or notes for a section.
  4. You can choose to select the box below the Section text to ensure that your students aren't able to see the text.
  5. You can choose to select the box that shuffles the questions within this section. This is helpful when you create quizzes and pull from the question library that they are already shuffled.
  6. Select SAVE when you're done editing your options.
The new section page is showing the section title and section description text boxes. There are also three more options shown which can be selected by checking the box: hide section title from learners, hide section text from learners, and shuffle questions in this section. The save button at the bottom is also highlighted.

Creating Questions in the Question Library

1. To create questions in the question library, select NEW and then select the type of question you would like to create. For this example, we will create a sample True/False question.

Screenshot of question library page with the new drop-down button selected and highlighted.

Note: The question editing page will look different depending on the type of question you decide to create.

  1. To change the question type, use the drop down at the top of page to select a different question type.
  2. The options drop-down that is found on the top-right of the page allows you to add feedback, add hints, add a brief description, and/or add enumerations.
  3. ADD your question in the Question Text box.
  4. SELECT the bubble with the correct answer.
  5. You can also decide the value of the points for the question by putting the points in the Default Points box.
  6. Select SAVE when you're done editing your options.
Screenshot of a new true/false question with the options highlighted and numbered.

Moving Questions into Sections

1. To move questions into sections, you need to have the section you would like to move questions to already created. Please refer to "Creating Sections in the Question Library" segment of this tutorial.

2. You should also have the question already created. Both the question and the section will show up on the same page as shown below.

Screenshot of question library homepage with a sample section and sample question highlighted.

3. To move this question into the section, CHECK the box to the left of the question.

4. You will then get a few options on what you can do with it. You can move, delete, order, or edit values. Select MOVE.

Screenshot of question library page where the sample question is selected and highlighted. The move button is all highlighted.

5. It will then bring you to a page with all the sections that you have created. Select the SECTION you want the question to be added to.

Screenshot of "Move Objects"

6. It will then bring you back to the question library homepage where you will not be able to see your question anymore until you go into that specific section.

Using the Question Library to Create Quizzes

  1. To use the questions that are in the question library, go into a new quiz and select ADD EXISTING under the questions portion.
  2. SELECT Browse Question Library.
Screenshot of the editing page of a new quiz with the "add exisiting" and the "browse question library" buttons highlighted.
  1. You can add a section completely by CHECKING the box to the left of the section, or you can SELECT the drop-down arrow to pick specific questions from that section.
  2. You can add miscellaneous questions that are not in sections by CHECKING the box to the left of the question. This view lets you see the question itself, the type of question, how many points its worth, and another icon on the far right that allows you to preview the question.
Screenshot of the "browse question library" page with a sample section highlighted and a sample question highlighted.

5. Once you have selected the questions you would like to use, SELECT import.

Screenshot of the "browse question library" page a sample question and setion selected and the import button highlighted.

Note: If you add a complete section, the title will show up when you make the quiz live unless when creating the section, you select the box that allows you to Hide Section Title from Learners.

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