1. From the Brightspace homepage, select your account in the top right, then select "Notifications" in the drop down menu that opens.
2. In this notification screen, you can change the method these notifications are given to you. Simply select the link for either the mobile phone number or email address change and enter you information into the pop up window.
3. If you'd like a summary of the activity on your courses (such as announcements or assignments) to be sent to you on a repeating basis, you can select how often you'd like under the "Summary of Activity" section.
4. The next area contains check boxes for every kind of notification that Brightspace can provide you, each notification type has a check box for both email and sms notifications, so you can differentiate which notification goes to which medium.
5. The last section contains check boxes for customizing the notifications you are sent, allowing you to include your grade value in notifications about grades, or allow future courses to send notifications.
6. If you wish to exclude some courses from the notification settings, you can click the link in the "Manage my excluded courses" section and add them in the resulting pop up.
7. Finally, hit the "Save" button to save your changes or the "Cancel" button to close the window without saving the changes.