Southern New Hampshire University

Setting Notifications in Brightspace

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1. From the Brightspace homepage, select your account in the top right, then select "Notifications" in the drop down menu that opens.

The Brightspace homepage, with the user account button highlighted
The Brightspace homepage with the user settings drop down menu opened and the "Notifications" link highlighted
The "Notifications" page, with the "Change your email settings" link highlighted
The "email settings" pop up with the option to select system email or use a custom email

3. If you'd like a summary of the activity on your courses (such as announcements or assignments) to be sent to you on a repeating basis, you can select how often you'd like under the "Summary of Activity" section.

Select if you would like the summary Daily, Weekly, or Never. You can also choose the time and day you'd like to receive the summary.

The "Notifications" page with the "How Often?" section of the "Summary of Activity" section highlighted
The "Notifications" page with the "At what time" and "On which day" section of the "Summary of Activity" section highlighted

4. The next area contains check boxes for every kind of notification that Brightspace can provide you via email. To receive a certain type of notification, check the box next to it.

The "Notifications" section, opened to the "Instant Notifications" section, with the notification options and the Email check boxes highlighted

5. The last section contains check boxes for customizing the notifications you are sent, allowing you to include your grade value in notifications about grades, or allow future courses to send notifications.

The "Customize Notifications" section of the Notifications page, with the "Include my grade value in notifications from Grades" and "Allow Future courses to send me notifications" checkboxes highlighted

A list of all of your courses will appear. Courses will have an "X" next to the course name indicating it can be excluded. Courses that have been excluded will have an curved "undo" arrow next to the course name

The "Exclude Some Courses" section of the "Notifications" page, with the "Manage my course exclusions" link highlighted
The "manage course exclusions" pop up with an "x" and an arrow highlighted to indicate courses that have been included or excluded

7. Finally, hit the "Save" button to save your changes or the "Cancel" button to close the window without saving the changes.

The "Save" and "Cancel" buttons of the "Notifications" page highlighted
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