This tutorial shows how you can print to staff printers as a student worker by using your SNHU credentials.
Uploading Your Documents
Log on to using your SNHU credentials. Enter your username and password. The next screen will prompt you to select CONTINUE. This must be done on a staff computer.
Work study credentials will not work. You need to use your personal SNHU login.
Once you're logged in and on the home page, select the WEB PRINT on the left column.
Select the SUBMIT A JOB button at the top left of the screen.
On the screen that appears,
1. Select "papercut-main\SNHUPrint (virtual)" or "papercut-main\SNHUPrint-Color (virtual)" depending on whether you need your printed documents to be black and white or in color.
On the screen that appears,
1. Select the number of copies you need.
On the screen that appears,
1. Select the UPLOAD FROM COMPUTER button in the middle of your screen. Upload the document you would like to print from your computer's file system.
2. Select the UPLOAD & COMPLETE button on the bottom right of the screen to continue.
On the screen that appears, it will show you the jobs you've submitted and if the job was submitted successfully and if it's currently in the queue.
Printing Your Documents
Go to the staff printer you would like to print from. Scan your student ID against the ID CARD sticker on the side of the printer.
The screen will then prompt you to login. Login using your SNHU credentials. You will only have to login the first time you use the staff printers.
Your print job will show up on the next screen. Select the bubble next to the print job you would like to print, and then select the PRINT button on the bottom right of the screen.
Pick up your print job and logout by selecting the icon in the top right showing a right-opening bracket and arrow and then selecting LOGOUT.