Southern New Hampshire University

Grade Passback

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Grade Passback is the new process for submitting final grades. Final grades will now be transferred directly from Brightspace to Banner (Student Information System).  Faculty no longer need to go to the Campus Academics SharePoint site to submit final grades.

Mid-term grades will still be entered through the Campus Academic SharePoint site. This process only affects final grade submission.

Follow these instructions to submit your final grades:

1) Find the Course Menu on the navigation bar and select Grades from the drop-down menu.

To the far right, there is a Final Adjusted Grade column.  

2) To submit final grades, click the chevron to the right of the Final Adjusted Grade column. 

3) Select Enter Grades from the drop-down menu.  

4) Complete the fields in the Final Adjusted Grade column for each student to enter their grades.  You may copy and paste from the Final Calculated Grade column.

5) To the right of the Final Adjusted Grade column is the Released column.  For each student, check the box in the Released column to release their final grades.  

IMPORTANT: if this box is NOT checked, final grades will NOT transfer to Banner.

6) In the bottom left-hand corner of the page, click the blue Save and Close button when you're ready to submit your grades.

Additional Information:

If this process is not completed correctly, student grades will not be transferred and faculty will need to submit grade change forms for each student.

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