Southern New Hampshire University

Customizing Visual Settings for Activities

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1. On the Poll Configuration page, select the "Visual Settings" button.

Poll configuration page with "Visual Settings" highlighted.

2. From here you can change the visual settings of your poll.

In the "Visual Settings" tab, you can switch between displaying the results as a bar chart, column chart, or donut chart. Next, the theme can be changed from classic to dark, bright, or modern.

Visual settings page open with chart options highlighted and theme options highlighted.

Under Color Scheme, you can change the primary text color, primary background color, and/or secondary background color by selecting the "Color Change" option.

Color scheme settings open with "Change Color" options highlighted.

Under "Font," you can change the font type as well as the font size.

Font settings open.

3. Other available options.

Under "Voting Instructions," you can disable or enable the QR code option for joining the poll.

Under "Title," you can change the title of the poll as well as add a logo.

Under "Background," you can change the background color of the poll or add a custom image to set as the background.

Under "Bars," you can change the color of the results bars and enable a leadership board if desired.

Under "Keywords," you can change the color of the keywords as well as hide or unhide the keywords.

Under "Instructions View Settings," you can enable to Show Instructions Image on Chart.

Finally, under "Total Results," you can choose to show the response totals as either percentage, count, or none.

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