Southern New Hampshire University

PollEverywhere: Adding Alternative Text

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Poll Everywhere presenters can enable alternative text for images by adding customized text descriptions to multiple-choice questions, rankings, and clickable image activities for participants using screen readers.  This document will show you how to turn this feature on and use it when adding an image to an activity.

Log in to

Access your profile settings by selecting the profile tab in the screen's bottom left corner.

Poll Everywhere homepage with a box around the profile icon and an arrow pointing at it.

Go to the Features Lab page to Enable Alternative Text (Alt. Text)

1.  Select the Features lab link on the left side of the screen.

A box around the “features lab” from selecting the profile.

2.  Toggle the Image alt-text option to ON.

3.  Select the Apply lab settings button.

Inside of the settings with a box around the on button for “image alt. text” and a box around the “apply lab settings” button.

Add an Image to an Activity and Add Alt-Text

You can use images as response options when creating certain activities by pasting a direct link or uploading one from your computer using the picture icon or the upload icon (depending on the choice of activity).

1.  From the Activities page, select create a new activity.

A box around “+ activity” button.

2.  Select an activity type. Only some allow images, for example, multiple-choice or clickable image activities.  In this example, we will select Clickable Image. 

3.  Enter something in the Title field.

4.  Select one of the provided images or upload one.

A screenshot of the activity page with "clickable image",  the "title" section, and the "upload image" sections all boxed in red.

5.   Select the Alternative text box and enter a text description of the image.

6.  Select Create.

A box around the alt. text box and a box around the “create” button.

An article on what to include in alt. text can be found on How to create Alternative Text.

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