Making sure images contain alternative (alt) text helps to ensure accessibility for images in the article.
This article contains a quick tutorial on how to add alternative text to images when creating ScreenSteps articles.
For best practices on how to create alternative text, please visit the following article: Alternative Text Best Practices.
How to add alternative text to images
First, you will upload a picture as normal to your article and click "Save Image".
After the picture has been uploaded, click on it, then click on the paintbrush icon in the right sidebar to open the image properties panel.
After the picture has been uploaded, click on it, then click on the paintbrush icon in the right sidebar to open the image properties panel.

At the very bottom of the properties panel, you will see a text box labeled as "Alt tag" (you may need to scroll down to see the "Alt tag" text box).

Using alternative text best practices, add your alt text into this text box. The text you enter is saved automatically when you save a draft of or publish the article, so there is no need to click an additional save button for the alt text.
That's it! You have successfully added alternative text to an image. Make sure to do this to all images in the article.